Who is the Red Queen?

Roxie, also called Roxanne, has been designing anything you can look at for twenty years. Passionate about art, creation, design, science, music, and cats, she has branched through varying levels of design and experience in weddings and special events, floral and interior design, fashion and clothing design, and graphic design for print and for web.
Photo by Glynns Thomas Photography
What has she been up to?
Recently she has applied her accumulated talent and skills to the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction industry, with a focus on construction management and transportation related projects. Her organizational efforts and clean visual style have helped gain client interest, create contract-earning proposals, and award-winning submittals for major transportation and infrastructure agencies across the Golden State.
Where has she been?
Roxie has served on several committees and advisory groups including the SMPS Pacific Regional Conference Marketing and Communications Committee, SMPS Sacramento Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Committee, and the Proposal Industry Experts Customer Advisory Board. She is currently supporting marketing initiatives for BKF Engineers with offices across California and in Portland.
“Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”
Me in Tokyo 1999